As I’m nearing the end of the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) program with the Tahoe-LAFS community, I can say it has been an amazing learning experience. I learned a lot and was able to solve some important bugs along the way.
As with any learning experience, there were plenty of frustrations along the way. Sadly, most of these frustration were caused by git and not the problems I was trying to solve. Before Summer of Code, I had only used git for personal projects and my knowledge was limited. The learning curve for git is extremely high, and it can be discouraging to spend half of your time fighting with git instead of hacking on your project. Additionally, there are some conventions beginners are not aware of when they start working on an open source project. Here are some of the things I wish I knew before I started hacking on Tahoe-LAFS.
If you fork a repository on Github, clone the repository with the ssh
link. Otherwise, you will have to authenticate with Github each time you push a branch. For information on authenticating with Github via ssh keys, check out Github’s detailed guide.
One of the most important rules to remember is: never commit to the master branch. Master is pristine and can only be touched after multiple people have signed off on the code. Since we cannot commit code to master, all work must be done on a branch, which can be thought of as another copy of the code base. In order to create a branch based on master, use:
git branch <your_branch_name> master
Or if you are currently on master:
git branch <your_branch_name>
Or if you want to create a branch and check it out in the same command:
git checkout -b <your_branch_name>
Since git is a decentralized version control system, there is no obvious way to sync your master branch with the project’s master branch. To do this, we first need to add a new remote to the project’s main repository.
git remote add upstream <link_to_main_repo>
Now we need to retrieve information about this new remote repository.
git fetch upstream
Finally, we can update the local master branch to reflect upstream’s master branch.
git checkout master
git merge upstream/master
Now our master branch is identical to the master branch on upstream.
Edit: In general, you shouldn’t have to worry about writing your patch on the latest version of upstream. Anyone who can commit to the project’s master branch should be able to merge your branch if it is based on a recent version of upstream. Thanks to Jed Brown for suggesting this change.
Oh no! After you committed that awesome patch, you noticed that you made a spelling mistake in your code. Even worse, there is also a spelling mistake in your commit message. Thankfully, both of these errors can easily be fixed. To fix the commit message, use:
git commit --amend
This will bring up the previous commit message. Fix the spelling mistake, save, and exit to recommit the patch.
Now to fix the spelling error in the patch. Fix the spelling error and make an additional commit. Don’t worry about the commit message. Then type git rebase -i HEAD~2
pick 40e4369 My sweet bug-busting commit
pick ec48bcf My spelling fix
# Commands:
# p, pick = use commit
# r, reword = use commit, but edit the commit message
# e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending
# s, squash = use commit, but meld into previous commit
# f, fixup = like "squash", but discard this commit's log message
# x, exec = run command (the rest of the line) using shell
means we want to rebase the two commits before our current position.
Rebase is a powerful tool, and a proper explanation is outside the scope of this post. But, for our fix we
want to use fixup
on ec48bcf
pick 40e4369 My sweet bug-busting commit
f ec48bcf My spelling fix
Save and exit. Now a simple mistake is not breaking an otherwise useful commit. It’s important to note, that if the branch has already been pushed to Github, you will have to do a forced push to sync the branch.
git push -f origin <my_branch>
As a rule of thumb, if someone else is using your branch in any capacity, you should not force push the branch. Instead of rebasing to combine commits, leave the separate commit as is.
This doesn’t have to do with git, but it is still worth knowing. Before making any commits, it’s good practice to run
git diff
to ensure you aren’t accidently committing any debug code. Additionally, check for any newlines, tabs, or spaces you may have added by accident, especially trailing whitespace. While trailing whitespace isn’t the end of the world, it annoys a lot of people. If you use Sublime Text, I recommend the Trailing Spaces plugin.
Thanks for reading!
9/10/13: The initial version of this post refered to upstream as trunk.
Written on October 18th, 2013 by Mark J. Berger